
Friday, October 26, 2012

Hurricane Preparation Guidelines

Update 10/30/12: Maryland was very fortunate with the storm track and the power has stayed on in our neighborhood so far. Please be careful once travel restrictions are lifted, as there may be traffic signals out, localized flooding, and trees toppling in the rain-soaked ground.

We could be fortunate enough to have Hurricane Sandy pass us by, but even moderately strong winds and heavy rains could cause some damage.

We have received some guidelines from both of our management companies (Autumn Walk and Emerson), to include emergency numbers.

See below for detailed checklists, but in particular:
  1. Please bring in or tie down loose objects and furniture outside to prevent them from becoming projectiles; 
  2. Make sure that you have water and necessities in case we lose power; and 
  3. Fill the gas tanks of your cars.
And if you observe damage after the storm such as downed trees or electrical wires, or overflowing storm drains, please let us know.

We hope everyone will come through safe and sound next week!

P.S.: We have heard some conflicting information about propane grills. If you decide to bring the grill in, you should keep the propane tank outside for safety reasons.

Please read on for detailed information:

Sunday, October 21, 2012

2013 Annual Budget Meeting

Update 10/23/12: A full explanation of how the budget was calculated is now posted to the residents-only Facebook page. Please contact us if you need a copy. Also note that the correct date is Nov. 19th.

The next formal Autumn Walk HOA meeting will be the 2013 Annual Budget Meeting.

Date: Monday, November 19, 2012
Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Location: Emerson Clubhouse

  1. Present the budget in detail to the community.
  2. Discuss whether the community wishes to continue full-service mowing in 2013. Assessment fees are being raised to cover the difference.
  3. Board will adopt the 2013 Budget.
  • Formal notices of this meeting were mailed to all households in Autumn Walk last week.
  • The proposed 2013 Budget has been provided in the mailer; our goal was to get it in your hands 30 days prior to the meeting.
  • Some of the worksheets used to calculate the Financial Reserve have been posted to the residents-only Facebook page.
  • The meeting will have a period for public comment, after which the Board will vote. Note that while every effort will be made to obtain consensus, the decisions will be made by the Board.
We look forward to seeing you at this important meeting! Please contact us ahead of time with your thoughts and concerns.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cleaning Up After Your Pets

Please remember that both Howard County Regulations and your HOA covenants require pet owners to clean up solid waste left by their pets, on or off their property, and dispose of it in a sanitary manner, or face civil penalties.

This is also a reminder that your pet must be carried or on a leash when outside, so please take something with you on your way out the door, to clean up after your pet "does its daily duty."

This is a matter that affects cleanliness, the appearance of the community, and public health (pet waste can foster parasites long after it is gone).

A few extra minutes can make a big difference in the neighborhood, and can also show a little kindness and consideration for your neighbors. Thanks for your help and cooperation!

From the Autumn Walk Covenants Section 7.9.B:

“Each Member who walks a pet within the community, including the Common Area, is required to clean up any and all solid waste deposited by their pet.”

Monday, October 1, 2012

Neighborhood Construction Work

You've all noticed by now that the builder is starting to finish the final construction in the neighborhood, as they prepare to hand over maintenance of the street to Howard County.

When you see an orange spray-painted "X" it means that something is going to be replaced soon, whether it's large pieces of dead sod, broken curbs, sidewalks, etc. The builder will also be replacing dead trees and shrubs.

The County will then inspect the neighborhood and identify any further actions necessary, and then the street will be paved, after which Howard County will take over responsibility for street repairs and snow removal (other than the guest parking spaces, which will remain the responsibility of Autumn Walk HOA).

Future replacement of trees and shrubs will also be performed by the HOA, as will all other maintenance of the common areas.

Our community manager, April, says there will probably be one day during the paving when the street will be blocked off from about 9 am to 4 pm. She expects they will give us advance notice so you can park outside the street by 7 am, to avoid getting trapped inside and unable to drive to work or elsewhere.


  • (10/8/12) Street paved by M.T. Laney Company, Inc, Eldersburg, MD.
  • (11/19/12) Guest parking spaces striped.