- Emerson Board:
- Nancy Tucker (Howard Hughes Corp.)
- Erica Root-Cikanek
- Feleke Eshete
- Unable to attend:
- Knott Realty Representative
- Narsimha Doma
- CMC Management:
- Steffanie Felder Nollie
- Heather McGreevy
- Residents: Approx. 7 in attendance
- Resident Forum: dog waste stations, commercial vehicles
- Committees need volunteers, especially Safety
- Swimming Pool to open full-time May 26 (there will be no early opening dates)
- Clubhouse Renovation Update
- Emerson Finances very healthy, intend to lower assessment rate again
- Yoga Class approved for Clubhouse (10 weeks)
- Draft FY19 Budget to be prepared by 4/22/18, approved 5/21/18
- Emerson wants to revitalize Committees
- Possible Committee Night
- Also potentially seek an intern to update web site
- Administrative
- Quorum met
- Meeting Minutes approved
- Resident Forum
- Resident says that dog waste stations are not being emptied (dog waste overflowing), and often not being restocked with bags, sometimes for 5 weeks
- This has been a frequent problem the past few months
- Some specific locations are Bradwell Park, Sterling Park
- Steffanie says she was just talking to the landscaper this week about it
- They are supposed to empty the waste stations at least weekly, she wants to get them on a regular schedule like every Wednesday, perhaps more often in Summer
- Asks that residents report it when they see issues
- Resident also says the bags were changed to a type that doesn't work
- Changed to flimsy black plastic bags that are difficult to open, and so thin the waste is not contained
- Another resident corroborates that if disposed of in home trash, cannot contain the smell
- This was not a Board decision, will look into it
- Board comments however that when the bags were discussed a few years ago, cost of the bags was $3000/year
- Resident also states there are what appear to be commercial vehicles with ladders parked in the neighborhood
- Emerson will investigate whether this violates the bylaws
- Committees
- Activities Committee
- Clean Up Day for last Saturday had to be postponed due to the snow
- Will be held Sat. April 14th
- Egg Hunt next Saturday (3/31/18) is next big event
- Will have a giant Easter Bunny, 1600 eggs
- Children separated by age group and limited group allowed in at one time to better manage the event
- Communications, Finance: no report
- Safety Committee
- DeVon needs more people
- Board asks how do we fix this?
- Renovation Committee
- Committee provided update on Clubhouse Renovation
- January 2018 Board Meeting: Board asked Renovation Committee to recommend an Owner's Representative to Board
- Manage project from start to finish
- Represent Emerson's interests throughout
- Fulfill functions of oversight, project management, manage selection of Architect and Contractor, coordinate Design process, oversee construction, and coordinate 1-year warranty period
- This is leadership position, expected to drive the project and requires skill, experience, and expertise
- Committee issued a formal RFP to four bidders, received three bids
- Evaluated according to published RFP criteria and interviewed two finalists
- Also called multiple references for each
- Proposals have a different pricing structure
- Criteria, interview questions, and references questions in Board's book
- Presently trying to finalize a recommendation to the Board
- Questions to the bidders to clarify project management experience, technical expertise, pricing structure, and how changes in scope are handled
- Board emphasizes project management and milestones, as well as good conflict management
- One Director will check with professional contacts
- Board states that if Committee provides recommendation, they will do everything they can to expedite their decision
- Can discuss via email or conference call, but decision must be unanimous
- Do not want to wait till next scheduled Board meeting, and do not want the Board to be the bottleneck
- Support for this project
- Reserves are available and more funds may be available if justified
- Both the capital reserves earmarked for the design and construction, and owner's equity to be used for management and support costs
- Includes legal review (at least three contracts)
- Will not come out of project budget, generally occurs a la carte at an hourly rate because it's hard to predict how long review and iterations will take
- Several lawyers available in case lead is out of office
- Expect the contractors to provide the contracts for review
- One bidder suggests standard AIA contract
- Board formally reappoints committee: Dinesh Aggarwal, Fred Leong (Chair), Neeraj Singh, Lori Morton, and Ashley Kirkland
- Business
- Swimming Pool
- Pool applications are ready to go
- Proposal to drop the early opening weekends in May
- Was too cold to open the previous 2 years, had to actually shut down a couple of days because water was 68 degrees (competition pools should be at 70 degrees)
- Just paying lifeguards to sit in cold weather while no one is swimming
- Already stay open two weekends after Labor Day at end of season
- Board votes to drop the early opening days
- Pool will open full time Saturday, May 26 (Memorial Day Weekend)
- Board approved repairs to the Pool by American Pool
- Last major repairs were in 2012
- Emerson Finances
- Delinquency rate is down to an extremely good 3%
- Industry standard is 5%-6%
- In 2013 was 14%
- This was occurred both because the economy improved and Emerson has systematically been looking at the data and trying to correct the issue
- Emerson Asseessment Rate
- Was raised to the maximum rate ($0.28/$1000 assessment) several years ago in order to pay off the original loan from the community's founding
- Loan was paid off a couple of years ago
- Was kept at this rate for a while in order to build reserves for improvements to Emerson
- Built reserves to the point that the Board decided to reduce the rate for FY18 to $0.24
- Intend to reduce it again for FY19 (taking effect July 1st)
- Note however that this is also the timeframe when new assessments by the State of Maryland takes effect and this may counterbalance the decrease since property values are rising
- Maryland tries to reassess property values every three years
- (If you have applied for a Homestead Tax Credit, increases are limited to no more than 10%/year, actually 5% in Howard County)
- Yoga Class
- Board formally approves allowing a 10-week Yoga Class to be held in the Clubhouse and offered to residents
- Insurance
- Board approves new insurance policy
- Small increase (1.8%), not enough to rebid after formally soliciting bids last year
- Includes Directors & Officers insurance, general liability, etc.
- Management Contract
- CMC contract expires at end of fiscal year (June 30th)
- Board could elect to approve and sign it tonight
- Feleke asks for an opportunity to ask some questions
- Board suggests this occur via email as the May meeting will not leave enough time to act
- Emerson Budget
- Draft to Board by 4/22/18 (CMC contract requires 90-days ahead, legal requirement is 60 days)
- Approved at Board meeting 5/21/18
- Sent to Owners 6/1/18
- Q: Will the draft be sent to the Owners as well? Usually is, but not sure what the requirement is, may post it
- Will also propose new lowered assessment rate for HOA fees
- Reserves
- Owner's Equity reserves have been building as Emerson saves for new Clubhouse and other improvements
- Need to move it from unallocated fund to Operating Reserves which is designated for the Clubhouse
- Auditor says unallocated Owner's Equity is presently at 58% of annual assessments
- Guidance is to be 10%-20%
- Board approves moving recommended amount to Operating Reserves
- Leaves enough in unallocated Owner's Equity to be significant
- But makes clear that Emerson is not overcharging residents simply to stockpile money, that there is a purpose for these funds
- Committees Discussion
- Many committees are defunct. Feleke asks how we can correct this, as the committees play an important role for the community
- Board suggests a Committee Night to try to bring in new volunteers
- Suggestion from the floor that Emerson also initiate a Communications Committee project to update Emerson web site
- Update graphics and move some content into public space instead of behind login
- Much very good material already exists on web site
- Use the process to update the look ("re-skin" it) and think about what our community represents
- Then after a year should know what we want to say, and can decide whether to outsource to a professional, change the underlying platform, etc.
- Another resident suggests we solicit an intern from the community
- Many people with the right kinds of skills
- Steffanie also says that the current platform provider AtHome.net just contacted her and says they have updated their templates
- Can use this as a starting point for updating the site and proceed from there
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