
Sunday, October 23, 2022

2022 Autumn Walk HOA Annual Meeting and Elections

All owners should have received a package in the mail containing a notice of the 2022 Autumn Walk HOA Annual Meeting and Elections.

Date: Monday, November 14, 2022
Time: 7 PM EST
Location: By Zoom (link has been sent via mail and email)

1. Please note that a quorum of 12 houses (in attendance or by proxy) is needed to satisfy the requirements for the Annual Meeting and Elections.

2. The package contains the meeting notice, proposed FY2023 budget, candidacy form, and proxy form.

3. One Board position on the three-member Board of Directors (currently held by Fred Leong) is up for election. After the election, the Board will vote on the proposed budget.

4. In the proposed budget (effective Jan. 1, 2023) the Board has opted to raise assessment fees by $10 per month to cover most of the deficit. The remainder is expected to be covered by retained earnings from this year.

  • Our assessment fees have not been raised in 10 years (since 2013) despite inflation every year.

We encourage all residents and owners to attend, and hope to see you there!

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