
Monday, May 15, 2023

Flamingo Friday 5/19/23

Fred will be hosting a Flamingo Friday this week on Friday, May 19th from 6 pm - 8 pm at 9854. Everyone is welcome to stop by for beverages, some light desserts, and maybe some appetizers.

  • Since it's been a few years since we've had one of these events, the key thing to know is that anyone can host a Flamingo Friday, and the intent is simply to give neighbors a chance to gather and socialize in a casual setting.
  • Also, we can help you publicize a different date if Friday doesn't work for your schedule, but this is a resident-driven event and not an official HOA activity.
  • You can add something to drink or light snacks if you wish, but we hope you attend even if you don't have something to bring!
All of our residents, as well as our "alumni" and close friends, are welcomed!

For some of the history of Flamingo Fridays and the original idea you can visit the page:

We hope to see many of you on Friday, if just for a little while!

Ground Nesting Bees

The Ground Nesting Bees are back, and we have been coordinating with Emerson HOA and Skylark Ridge HOA to let them stay because they are beneficial pollinators, not dangerous, and temporary.

As the sign below from the University of Maryland Extension Service states:

The soil mounds you see on the ground belong to ground nesting bees, also known as mining bees.

These bees are...

  • Not aggressive: rarely sting and do not aggressively defend their nests
  • Temporary: their flying activity only lasts 2-4 weeks
  • Caring for their young: their burrows are underground
    to protect young ("baby") bees. The female bee brings nectar and pollen to the burrow to feed her young
  • Important pollinators: help pollinate wildflowers, fruits and vegetables, and a variety of other crops
  • Losing their habitat: due to urbanization and pesticide use

To learn more, visit:

You can also visit: