On this page, you will find:
- Autumn Walk Community Manager
- Autumn Walk Board of Directors
- Paying Your Autumn Walk HOA Fees
- Paying Your Emerson Master HOA Fees
- How to Obtain HOA Resale Packages
Other useful information:
Autumn Walk HOA
Emerson HOA
your email address and house number to autumnwalkhoa@gmail.com
Jose Palacios in the Emerson Clubhouse at jpalacios@cmc-management.com or
301-317-4044 to be added to the email list
Community Forum
Schools Discussion (Emerson & Wincopia Farms)
For Maryland Required HOA Resale Packages, see the instructions for both Autumn Walk HOA and Emerson HOA at:
- HOA Resale Documents
- Thinking of Selling Your Home in Emerson? (Resale Packages & Home Inspections)
- Refinancing & Selling - you can get Resale Packages and certify your HOA fees at [since 7/15/24] Community Archives (marketplace.communityarchives.com/login). See updated instructions at this post: http://www.autumnwalk.com/2014/08/hoa-resale-documents.html
1. Autumn Walk Community Manager (last update 11/14/23)
Community Association Services, Inc. (CAS, Inc.)
18401 Woodfield Road, Suite H
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Phone (24 hours): 301-840-1800 or 1-800-883-0799
2. Autumn Walk Board of Directors (last update 11/14/23):
18401 Woodfield Road, Suite H
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Phone (24 hours): 301-840-1800 or 1-800-883-0799
- For day-to-day issues, contact:
- April Day, Autumn Walk Community Manager, (april.day@casinc.biz)
- Call main number at 301-840-1800, select Option 1 (Dial By Name), then say, “April Day”
- Or call main number and select 0 for assistance
- For Auto Debit Questions, contact:
- Travis Tredway (travis.tredway@casinc.biz) - new POC as of 11/13/2023
- Call main number at 301-840-1800, select Option 1 (Dial By Name), then say, "Travis Tredway"
- Or call main number and select 0 for assistance
- For Accounting/Dues related matters, you can contact:
- Julia Tredway (julia.tredway@casinc.biz, ext. 30)
You can send email to the Board at autumnwalkhoa@gmail.com. Emails sent to this address are forwarded to the CAS Management Team and the Autumn Walk Board of Directors.
For 2024, your Board of Directors composed of Autumn Walk residents are:
- Dharmesh Patel, President, 9811 [3-year term expires 2026]
- Fred Leong, Vice President, 9854 (Webmaster) [3-year term expires 2025]
- Allie Stegner, 9832 [3-year term expires 2024]
Paying your HOA Fees:
3. Autumn Walk HOA Fees (last update: 11/14/23)- For FY24 beginning 1/1/24, Autumn Walk HOA Fees are $85/month
- Previously HOA fees were $75/month from 2013-2023.
- Payments are collected by Community Association Services (CAS).
- For questions and assistance with payments, call CAS at 301-840-1800.
- The accounts manager is Julia Tredway, julia.tredway@casinc.biz, 301-840-1800 ext 30.
- Setting up your Autumn Walk HOA Account
- If you are a new homeowner, your home settlement paperwork is sent to CAS
- CAS will enter you into their system and assign an account number
- If you are a new homeowner and don't have coupons or an account, contact manager@casinc.biz and request this information.
- A "Welcome Package" will be mailed to your property address
- The package includes printed payment coupons with your account number, and important community information
- If the owners do not reside at the property address, they might not receive the Welcome Package
- If paying by check, send with the coupon to:
PO BOX 66062
PHOENIX, AZ 85082-6062
Write your account number on the check, especially if you do not have a pre-printed payment coupon.
- *** If you do NOT have a coupon or account number, your payment will NOT post to the Phoenix address. ***
In that case the check should be mailed with the property address to the CAS office in Gaithersburg, MD for manual posting:
Community Association Services, Inc. (CAS, Inc.)
18401 Woodfield Road, Suite H
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Attention: Accounts Receivable
- Auto-Debit is available.
- You should have received a form in your packet at settlement, but if you can't find it, contact CAS and they will send you a new one or download it at the link below.
- Mail, fax, or email the completed auto debit form to the CAS address in Gaithersburg:
Mailing address:
Community Association Services, Inc. (CAS, Inc.)
18401 Woodfield Road, Suite H
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Attention: Accounts Receivable
Fax: 301-840-1801
Email: manager@casinc.biz
4. Emerson Master HOA Fees (last update 11/14/23)
Payments are collected by the Emerson management company, Community Management Corporation (CMC)
- If you have questions, contact the Emerson Front Office: Jose Palacios, jpalacios@cmc-management.com, 301-317-4044
- If Jose is out, you can contact the Portfolio Manager: Steffanie Felder Nollie, snollie@cmc-management.com
- For FY25 beginning 7/1/24, Emerson Master HOA fees remained at $0.195 per $100 of assessed value. (In FY22 previous rate was $0.184 per $100, see below for prior years.) However, because the State assessed value may have increased, this may result in an increase in your dues effective July 2023.
- To check the assessed value of your home, Howard County's Public SDAT records can be accessed at http://sdat.dat.maryland.gov/RealProperty/Pages/default.aspx
- Assessments are due on the first of each month.
- For questions about your account or assistance in setting up direct debit, please call 703-631-7200.
- Previous assessment fee rates: FY17 $0.28; FY18 $0.24; FY19 $0.19; FY20 $0.18, FY22 $0.184, FY23 $0.195, FY24 $0.195, FY25 $0.195
- If paying by check, send payment along with the coupon to:
Emerson Community Association
P.O. Box 61148
Phoenix, AZ 85082-1148
- Auto-Debit is available.
- You can download the form below or obtain it from the Emerson Front Office: Jose Palacios, jpalacios@cmc-management.com, 301-317-4044
- For questions about direct debit call 703-631-7200.
- If the direct debit form is returned by the 10th of the month, the direct debit will be in place for the following month's assessment due date.
- The completed direct debit form should be mailed with a voided check to: P.O. Box 10821, Chantilly, VA 20153-0821.

5. How to Obtain Home Resale Packages
- Autumn Walk HOA Resale Packages (10/1/24): http://www.autumnwalk.com/2014/08/hoa-resale-documents.html
- Emerson HOA Resale Packages (5/8/19): http://www.autumnwalk.com/2019/05/thinking-of-selling-your-home-in-emerson.html#more
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